Supplements for Shoulder Pain

According to population surveys, shoulder pain affects 18-26% of adults at some point in their life, making it one of the most common regional pain symptoms. Shoulder pain includes strains, sprains, and dislocations. Although common, shoulder pain can adversely impact the quality of your life. 

Chronic shoulder pain can interfere with your daily activities, such as working, taking care of yourself and others, and having a social life. Over time, shoulder pain can lead to depression and trouble sleeping which can make the pain worse. This response creates a cycle that’s difficult to break, so it is crucial to seek solutions as soon as possible. 

Certain supplements can treat shoulder pain and its symptoms. Supplements help with shoulder pain as they have anti-inflammatory properties which relieve the discomfort associated with the pain. Supplements also prevent nutritional deficiencies that can worsen symptoms. 

New studies suggest that collagen supplementation can boost injury prevention and tissue repair. Researchers believe that collagen peptides increase collagen synthesis in the connective tissues while modulating inflammatory responses to physical activities. These processes accelerate the body’s recovery process, so you canheal from your shoulder pain faster.